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Possessed Snowman

Negative Effect Caster

Class: Warrior

HP: 9,212
ATK: 1,236
DEF: 550
MAGIC: 238
MR: 394


Possessed Snowman currently stands number 225 overall in HP and number 53 in the Warrior class.


Possessed Snowman currently stands number 77 overall in ATK and number 36 in the Warrior class.


Possessed Snowman currently stands number 341 overall in magic and number 35 in the Warrior class.


Possessed Snowman currently stands number 256 overall in special and number 45 in the Warrior class.

Key Skills & Abilities

COAL FLING(Present Basic Attack)

• Deals physical damage to a single target.
• 75% Chance to Silence the target for 2 turns.


• Deals physical damage to all enemies.
• 75% Chance to Leaden Burn for 2 turns.
• Leaden Burn deals true damage over time to targets and has a 35% Chance to Stun the enemy for 1 turn.


Grants Cyclone Shield to self for the duration of the battle. If Cyclone Shield is not present at the start of your turn, Freeze, Blind, or Heal Block all enemies.