
Single-Target Damager

Class: Assassin

HP: 9,741
ATK: 1,022
DEF: 332
MAGIC: 1,022
MR: 332


Banshee currently stands number 186 overall in HP and number 18 in the Assassin class.


Banshee currently stands number 144 overall in ATK and number 50 in the Assassin class.


Banshee currently stands number 121 overall in magic and number 40 in the Assassin class.


Banshee currently stands number 234 overall in special and number 37 in the Assassin class.

Key Skills & Abilities

RECIPROCATER(Present Basic Attack)

• Deals one hit of physical, magic, and true damage to a single target.
• Grants Perfect Immunity to all allies for 1 turn, before dealing damage.
• Heal for 15% of your MAX HP.


• Deal 50% of your CURRENT HP in true damage to Revive all allies with full HP.
• Grants Increase DEF and MR to all allies for 2 turns.
• Grant HP Regen to self for 2 turns.
• Instantly gain an Extra Turn.


Grant your allies a 35% chance to avoid damage when they are attacked. Failing to avoid a hit deals a percentage of their MAX HP as random damage.